Hey there.
So I’ve had a few questions about my blog, and since I’ve got some downtime right now I think I’ll try to knock off a few explanations.
First is the format. It’s not a traditional travel blog, per se. At least it’s not supposed to be. Sweet fancy Moses, that makes me sound like a blogging hipster. I’m not some kind of blogging auteur…or, maybe I am. I don’t know, that’s not for me to decide. I’m not that cocky, damn it.
The format is thus: I write about what I’m thinking about at the time. I take immense notes on my phone and transfer them to the iPad. Then I have a gander at my many photos and use them for inspiration. God, this makes me sound like a prick. But yeah, that’s pretty much the way.
I will get around to writing more traditional bits about the cities I’ve visited – like London and Edinburgh. Considering how much time I spent in those cities, I have plenty to say about them. The thing is, my thoughts about them were coloured (or, not coloured, as it were) by the consecutive experiences I have had since. I’m polishing off a few pieces about the cities and the people therein, and they’ll be up soon. Smiley face.
Next, some people have had issues with the Twitter feed and the like. Any issues, hit me up with an email, and I’ll get right on it. Well, as soon as I can.
To the new readers: hello! Thanks for taking the time to check out the place! Even the girl from H&M who I feel may end up disappointed with this site – I fear I oversold it a bit, but at least it’s free!
I’m compiling a list of hostels I have stayed at. Would anyone be interested in my thoughts on them? And that being said, hostel owners and employees that read this, if you want me to pop a link to your site in the sidebar, just let me know!
I think it’s time to go find some curry. It’s a curry hurry.
Cheers, and thanks for visiting.
Post-curry edit: also, I hate making typos. I pride myself on correct punctuation and grammar, and especially spelling. If I make a typo, it’s due to the nonstandard keyboards across Europe, or the accursed autocorrect. How I loathe autocorrect.